Meat, Oriental, Dessert
Meat, Oriental, Dessert
Große Ulrichstraße 58
07:00 - 06:00
07:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 06:00
07:00 - 06:00
08:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 06:00
Here you will find all the deals that the restaurant offers exclusively for NeoTaste users.
So you don't stand in front of closed doors, we keep the opening hours as up-to-date as possible.
07:00 - 06:00
07:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 06:00
07:00 - 06:00
08:00 - 03:00
07:00 - 06:00
Before you go, book a deal in the app and show it at the restaurant.
Große Ulrichstraße 58
Do you have questions or want to reserve a table? Here you will find all important contact details.
Only registered NeoTaste users who have visited the restaurant can leave a review.
Sehr lecker man fühlt sich wie in der Türkei.
Nett, aber Hähnchen im Tantuni leider nicht wirklich gut weil viel zu trocken
Leckeres Essen zu guten Preisen. Sehr nette Bedienung und eine schöne Atmosphäre